Website privacy policy

Contact us at (716) 247-5282

CINQCARE respects your personal privacy and the sensitivity of your personal information. The information on this website is provided by CINQCARE and we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users. CINQCARE does not sell, trade, or rent the personal identifying information of its users to third parties unless required by law. CINQCARE collects no personal identifying information about its users except when specifically, and knowingly provided by such users. A user’s personal identifying information may be used by CINQCARE to improve its services to its users. Users who have requested updates may receive information from CINQCARE on new therapies, products and services that may help them better manage their care. Any information received is not an endorsement or opinion of CINQCARE regarding any treatment option, product or service.

You acknowledge that (a) CINQCARE cannot ensure the security or privacy of Content you provide through the Internet and your private messaging, and you release us from any and all liability in connection with the use of such Content by other parties; (b) we are not responsible for, and cannot control, the use by others of any Content which you post on the Services or provide to them and you should use caution in selecting the personal information posted or provided to others through the Services; and (c) we cannot assume any responsibility for the Content sent by other users of the Services, and you release us from any and all liability in connection with the Content of any communications you may receive from other users.

Be considerate of others’ privacy, do not reference another without his or her permission.

Conditions appropriate for Health Home Services: